Bogdan Szweda
(vocal, guitar, dobro, slide)
Guitarist, singer and composer originating from the rich Silesian Blues. Bogdans career as solist and guitarist began in the 80´s. Since ´94 he forms with Arek Bleszynski SCHAU PAU ACOUSTIC BLUES. His anusual voice, a strong and harsh timbre and his rendering abilites have made many raise their eyebrows. 2001 he played on "Bluestracje" in his home town Chorzow. In India he played in Goa, and 2002 in summer on Mallorca. |
Arek Bleszynski
(guitar, harp, vocal)
Plays guitar and harmonica, composer and sought after arranger. His musical career began in the 70´s as a guitarist of the legendary Polish band "Casus". He has athered rich experience in the Polish music scene, which he has still intensifield by frequent appearances all over Europe. His kind of the guitar play shapes the style of the SCHAU PAU ACOUSITC BLUES. |
The duo plays with various formations and with different guests >>